Thursday, October 10, 2019

无名氏 《金缕衣》 - Poem Translation

Original Poem

The Gold Embroidered Dress / Translated by LY Lee
     Cherish not the gold embroidered dress;
     Treasure ye your youth.
     Cut the branch while the flowers bloom,
     Least the empty branch regret unloose.

Other versions, taken from here

Cloth of Gold / Translated by 许渊冲
     I advise you not to cherish cloth of gold,
     But to honor the days of youth.
     When flowers bloom they need be plucked:
     Wait not to grasp in vain at empty twigs.

Garment Stitched with Gold Threads / Translated by 龚景浩
     Care not so much for expensive clothing;
     You should treasure a lot more your prime years.
     Pick the flowers while they are blooming.
     Soon nothing’ll be left save bare boughs and tears.

The Golden Dresses / Translated by 王玉书
     Don’t hanker for dresses stranded with gold;
     Do treasure your youth before you get old.
     Pluck flowers as soon as they are worth plucking;
     Don’t wait to break branches in flowers lacking.

Golden Sands / Translated by Herbert A. Giles
     I would not have thee grudge those robes
     which gleam in rich array,
     But I would have thee grudge the hours
     of youth which glide away.
     Go pluck the blooming flower betimes,
     lest when thou com’st again
     Alas, upon the withered stem
     no blooming flowers remain!

The Coat with the Gold Threads / Translated by Innes Herdan
     I warn you—cherish not your gold-threaded coat;
     I warn you—cherish rather the days of your youth!
     When the flower blooms, ready for picking,
     pick it you must:
     Don’t wait till the flower falls
     and pick a bare twig!

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