Wednesday, August 28, 2019

苏轼 《题西林壁》- Poem Translation

Original Poem
《题西林壁》 - 苏轼

Writing for Xilin Temple's Wall / Translated by LY Lee
Ridges in front and peaks to the side,
Mountains in different shapes far and wide.
Of Lushan's true facade one can never know,
If one stays within the mountains so.

I'm sure the phrase "庐山真面目" is a very familiar one to you. It means "true colors" - when one says "你的庐山真面目", it literally means "your true colors". Having used and heard this phrase throughout my life, I've never thought of where it came from, until I saw the above poem.

If you're interested, you can read the English translation of what the poem means here. It explains why the phrase "庐山真面目" can mean "true colors". (Btw, as my teacher pointed out, this poem is NOT 唐诗 but 宋诗. A super simple difference between the two: 唐诗 is more romantic, but 宋诗 is more realistic, style-wise.)

Other versions:

Written on the Wall at West Forest Temple / Translated by Burton Watson (link)
From the side, a whole range; from the end, a single peak:
Far, near, high, low, no two parts alike.
Why can’t I tell the true shape of Lu-shan?
Because I myself am in the mountain.

Written on the Wall at West Forest Temple / Translated by 许渊冲 (link)
It’s a range viewed in face and peaks viewed from the side,
Assuming different shapes viewed from far and wide.
Of Mountain Lu we cannot make out the true face,
For we are lost in the heart of the very place.

Written on the Wall of Xilin Temple / Translated by 黃宏發 (link)
A range in panorama, peaks if viewed from the side;
Far, near, low, and high, these summits differ wide.
The true face of Mount Lushan, O ‘tis so hard to tell,
Because this very mountain, has had me right inside.

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